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Lamprini Boviatsou was born in Athens in 1975. She graduated in 1998 from Rome School of Fine Arts.
She has had fourteen solo exhibitions. The last one was in 2019 with the title “The answer of the mirror” in the Vogiatzoglou Collection Gallery in Athens.
She has taken part in more than 90 group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. She represented Greece in 2003 at the 11th Biennale of Young Artists of Europe and Mediterranean that took place in Athens, end took part at the exhibition for the 30 chosen artists for the Frissiras Museum Award of European painting. In 2004 she created an artwork for the Castello Ursino di Catania, Italy, in the exhibition of European organization “Twin Muses-Gemine Muse”. Her work has been awarded in the 1st National Exhibition of Micrographic Art, in Thessaloniki. She took part at the participative action “Regarding authority” of the platform Loandbehold, at the Athens Biennial OMONOIA, 2016. During 2018, she took part at the exhibition “L’art grec contemporain” in Galerie Desmos, Paris.
Her works are included in many public and private collections in Greece and abroad.
She lives and works in Chania, Crete.

Lamprini Boviatsou: TeamMember


H αναγκαιότητα του θεατή, 2015
Καθώς ξαναέραβα τα φτερά μου, σε νοστάλγησα, 2017
Tο χαμένο κλειδί, 2017
Το τηλεφώνημα, 2017
Θα έρθει; 2017
Ανθρώπινη φύση, 2017
Τοκ τοκ, εγώ είμαι, άνοιξέ μου σε παρακαλώ! 2017
Η Αρχόντισσα, 2015
Ασέβεια, 2018
The art of teaching, 2017
H μνήμη της πόλης,
Ο σπόρος, 2017
Εγωϊσμός, 2018
Δίνη, 2015
Η φαντασία της ύλης, 2015
Lamprini Boviatsou: Gallery
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